Grilled Steak with Kimchi Fries from Paper Crane. The steak released smoky meaty juices with each sink of teeth, whilst elsewhere the wet cabbage chunks had the mild sourness of a periodic Clinique salesgirl (I do not approve of this imagery – Editor). I asked for the spicy coriander mayo…
Baked Mangalitsa Kimchi Rice from Joo Bar – grilled Mangalitsa belly, chopped house-made kimchi, onion, mozzarella, pecorino, parmesan, bechamel sauce. It smothers you, douses you and beats you over the head with the fragrance-inclined tail of its cheesetastic agenda, but fan or not of cheese, it’s unequivocally the best pick…
Warm kimchi with tofu & spam – housemade kimchi, mangalitsa pork belly, tofu, onion, scallion. Essentially deconstructed Korean army stew. You can merge the disparate elements into a mini stew within your mouth in manner of Power Ranger-esque Megazord transformation. The tofu wore its strong tofu taste with gusto, and…
Atlantic cod fried meesua with kimchi purée, mirin and scallions. The noodles were a revelation – very wet, slightly spicy, and almost designed for appreciative slurping. I could just have the meesua and be majorly contented. Fish was pretty standard, and slightly salty. 4/5 Gastrosmiths 103 Beach Road Tan Quee…