


Ispahan cupcake from Fluff Bakery. The cupcake was ridiculously moist and delicious, with the fragrance of rose permeating from every pore of both cake and cream whilst an entire piece of succulent, juicy lychee waits patiently within. Now I understand why people queue. 4.2/5 Fluff Bakery 12 Jalan Pisang Singapore…

Kacang Botol (Wingbean Salad) – classic Peranakan wing bean salad tossed with homemade sambal dressing. Every crunchy bite releases sour juices, and I liked the harmonious blend of grassiness and shrimpiness. If only the wing beans’ appearance reminded me less of….uhm…rhymes with cubic bear? 3.8/5 Peranakan Flavours 11 Jalan Klapa…