Spicy Miso Lobster Broth Ramen (Special) from Ramen Keisuke Lobster King. The lobster broth played like an imperial relative of your prawn mee broth, whilst the gentle spicy miso kept the proceedings from venturing too deeply into the Atlantic Ocean. Elsewhere, the molten egg was seventy-two sorts of amazing, the pork belly kept his fatty and lean selves strictly separate, the black pepper wanton may need to refill his Bio-Essence Face Lifting Cream subscription and the prawn balls had more romantic mushiness than a Nicholas Sparks novel. 4.1/5
This was a hosted meal, courtesy of Ramen Keisuke Lobster King.
Ramen Keisuke Lobster King
3C River Valley Road
#01-07 The Cannery
Singapore 179022
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