Ginger – candied ginger pudding, sticky toffee, caramel ice cream and candied ginger. Essentially sticky date pudding which eats clean. The ginger element of the pudding is not immediately apparent, but when you use your tongue to slowly process the experience (instead of just chewing and swallowing like a common barbarian) its subtle gingery charms slowly emerge. Those who are impatient can simply chew on the pieces of candied ginger, which are spicy and effective. Both the caramel ice cream and the sticky toffee are fairly restrained in terms of sweetness, so that you don’t particularly feel all “moment on the lips, forever on the hips”. 3.8/5

Selfish Gene Patisserie
40A Craig Road
Singapore 089678


Shawn is a full-time lawyer based in Singapore. Neither a professional critic, blogger nor photographer, Shawn is simply somebody who loves food and luxury hotels very much and (likes to think that he has) a quirky sense of humor. When Shawn is not premature ageing and turning his hair further grey due to stress and vicious deadlines, he is somewhere spending an exorbitant amount of money trying out new dining places and hotels.

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