


Fisherman’s Mee Sua from Gastrosmiths – seafood medley, homemade scampi bisque, signature-style mee sua. Essentially the mee siam-esque gustatory equivalent of a breathtakingly beautiful and Dior-perfumed blogger who does pilates, eats walnuts and edamame as midday snacks and replies to everything with vapid three word utterances. Notwithstanding, the scallops had…

Argo Goreng Pasta from Argo (frustratingly hidden in plain sight within Adonis Hotel on Purvis Street) – prawn, green pea, tomato sautéed with sambal chilli and spaghetti. While the supply of prawns was blessed and bountiful, the piquant and notably sweet chilli was more Baby than Scary Spice, and the…